Software and Hardware

The following links are to programs that may assist you in your adventures, where possible I have included additional links to related sites for tutorials and or areas of interest. Nearly all of these programs are open source or free to use for non-commercial use.

Game Engines


The Multiverse Platform makes developing your online game or
virtual world a whole lot easier, with an easy-to-use development
suite containing plenty of starter content, code and extensive documentation.
It is an ideal set of tools for
MMOG and one I would like to use for Critical Collapse.


Blender is not only a 3d creation application but also a Game Engine too!


CrystalSpace, a little tough to get the hang of but it has potential.


NeoAxis, one of the finest game engines out there, utilizing
OGRE, this is an engine going places.

NeoAxis Engine

Vassal is a cross-platform tool and is excellent.


Unreal, well what can I say, its awesome!


The Elder Scrolls Construction Set, is a phenomenal editor,
a must have for any game designer

The Elder Scrolls Construction Set

Reality Factory is very easy to use and has a great team.

Reality Factory

3D Programs

Blender is a fantastic 3d creation application,
animation and nearly everything else!


Art of Illusion, I am not to familiar with this
program yet but soon will be.

Art of Illusion

Wings 3D, is a cross platform modeling program that
is well worth looking into.

Wings 3D

MilkShape, is an excellent program for working
with Half-Life and Quake assets.


Persistence of Vision Raytracer, is a
beautiful application, check it out.


Caligari, is another beautiful application and one of the
first 3d apps with a long history and great user base.


ZBrush, although this program is not free, it is one of the
few programs out there that can make life in 3D "Bust a mind!"
Pixologic really did a great job with this product.


DAZ 3D, is a cool program and pretty easy to use.


Terragen, although this is not a 3d creation suite, it is a fantastic
tool for landscape generation, with erosion and dozens
of other features.


CGTrader, although this is not a 3d creation suite, it is a wonderful
site for 3d content and over 20,000 free models to chose
from or you could contribute some of your own work!


Video Editing

Blender is not only a 3d creation application but also a Video Editor too!


Cinefx, formally Jahshaka is making a come back.


Open Movie Editor, this open source program is great.
Any support you can give would be fantastic.

Open Movie Editor

Movie Masher, is really cool.

Movie Masher

Kdenlive, Adobe Preriere step aside there is a new kid on the block.
However it is not available for Windows, yet!


Sound Editing

Audacity is simply excellent.



Gimp is probably one of the best image edititing programs out there.


Inkscape is a vector illustration application.


Office apps

OpenOffice is the best suite for day to day chores.


Scribus, is a must have for desktop publishing.


Celtx, is an excellent preproduction tool from comics to film, and lets not forget Games!



X-Sim is in a league all of its own.


Programming Languages

Squirrel is a high level OO language.


Python is very popular and has a vast library.


Programming IDE

Eclipse is a multi-language software comprising an integrated development environment.


WOTgreal is probably the best editing tool for UnrealScript.



Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.


Operating Systems

Ubuntu is an operating system built by a worldwide team of expert developers. It contains all the applications you need: a web browser, office suite, media apps, instant messaging and much more. Ubuntu is an open-source alternative to Windows and Office.


Tutorial and Helpful sites

Tufts University has some of the best tutorials for blender.


3D Buzz, this is one of the best sites as far as game design, modeling, texturing, programming etc. go. Buzz and his crew are mentors in the industry.

3D Buzz

Super Ape "Glenn Storm" has been and continues to be an inspiration for anyone using Unreal or other systems

Unreal works

Home Page

Angel Mapper, has some great tutorials and is very inovative.

Angel Mapper

UDN, The Unreal Developer Network is the must have site if you are interested in Unreal technology, but the site covers more than just Unreal. If you are in the gaming industry these pages should be manditory reading.


Here is a link to wiki 3d graphics just for more info.

wiki 3d graphics list

Here is a link to MOD DB, this is where people get together to discuss games and modding.


Eurosis "The European Multidisciplinary Society for Modelling and Simulation Technology"


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